Monday, February 17, 2020

World Literature (See attched Word Document for insutruction) Essay

World Literature (See attched Word Document for insutruction) - Essay Example Human justice is defined as one that takes vengeance on those that have done wrong against other. This moves into human injustice, which states that the murder is not committed against an external enemy, but is instead committed against the self. The divine justice is briefly referred to and is used to please the gods instead of to bring justice to society. In comparison to divine justice, this does not reward one for actions that are righteous, but instead punishes them for something that is believed as wrong. The system I would rather live under is divine justice. The ability to have compassion and reward for fearing God is one that allows one to live peacefully, as opposed to taking vengeance on those who have done wrong. The argument of all three friends would be to have human justice. Whenever something is wrong, there is the immediate desire to take revenge or to get even. Instead of living righteously, most build into a system that is based on vengeance. 2. According to the Bhagavad – Gita, the ability to be saved is one that happens when one recognizes God or the prophet of God and comes out of ignorance and irreligion. As this happens, the soul is able to progress through life cycles while coming closer to God. If one does not move out of this, then they reincarnate into a different form, either animal or human. The ignorance that they carry turns into karma and the things of the past they have done with good intent turns into dharma. As one progresses, the karma can turn into dharma, which helps the soul to progress and to be saved. Kabir has a similar concept about being saved and the progression of the soul. Kabir recognized that as one overcame ignorance and recognized the Supreme Being, they were able to eliminate karma. As this happened, the individual was able to become an enlightened soul. When one reached the highest realm of enlightenment, they were recognized as bahkti, which meant that they were an

Monday, February 3, 2020

Is state government an effective form of government Essay

Is state government an effective form of government - Essay Example This is a step forward in the process of decentralization out of federal power and of achieving efficiency by the state governments. Dr. Weiher stated that there are four general purposes of a written Constitution: "(1) Create a Form of Government; (2) Limit Governmental Power; (3) Define Who is a Citizen; and (4) Identify society's central values" (Weiher, 2002). This last point has to be emphasized. The values of any given society change frequently from territory to territory. People from different states have very different sets of values and a written Constitution is a reflection of the diversity of values among citizens of different states. For example, people from Utah have in common their unique religious beliefs. The same can be said of other people from other states. The federal government provides the unity within the diversity, and each state is a symbolic pluralistic unit in the spectrum of all the states bound together under the U.S. Constitution. The Wikipedia points out that "the most obvious advantage of a codified constitution is the coherent and easily understood body of rules. A codified constitution at the least is simple to read, being a single document.